Register to run tours in cemeteries

Graveyards and cemeteries in Edinburgh are popular destinations for tour operators.

To carry out a tour that starts or finishes in

  • Canongate
  • Greyfriars
  • New Calton
  • Old Calton
  • St Cuthbert’s graveyards

you must

  • register and pay a registration fee,
  • abide by a code of conduct,
  • ask your customers to make a donation.

Please note that all tour guide registration permits expire on 30 June each year regardless of when they were issued. Registered permit holders who wish to renew their permit must submit a renewal application at least one month before the expiry of their permit, to ensure an updated permit can be issued for 1 July.

Download the tour guide operator registration form (PDF).
Download the tour guide employee registration form (PDF)